Assessment Required....

If an Occupational Therapy assessment has been completed recently and there is no need for an additional assessment, information from previous reports will be reviewed and the necessary therapy can be initiated within a shorter timeframe.

Requests can be made for a short (60min session), screening assessment or a more comprehensive Occupational Therapy assessment (either two 60min or one 90min session). Written reports will be provided on request and there will be an additional cost for these. Verbal feedback on all assessments will be provided for each assessment to discuss the outcomes and functional implications of these for the tests administered. Once the assessment has been completed and the need for future intervention services will be discussed. Collaborative Goal Setting with the client/family/carer will completed as part of the Assessment Process.

Parent/Carer attendance during the assessments for younger clients is recommended as many valuable observations are made during the process. Being present during the assessment will additionally make the feedback regarding the outcomes on the assessment, more meaningful and useful.