How do I know if my Child needs Occupational Therapy?
If your child experiences any of the below, it would be worthwhile contacting Step Ahead Occupational Therapy Services. An assessment may identify developmental areas requiring attention to assist your child in developing basic foundation skills and to improve daily functional participation.
Questions Parents Frequently Ask:
"My baby only seems to use one hand to reach out for toys. He is not yet crawling and is already 12 months of age. He is slow to move out of the sitting position and only seems to play with toys positioned to one side of his body. He is not yet pulling up to standing and mostly remains in a sitting position".
"My child fights each time we brush teeth, wash hair or have haircuts. She does not like to get her hands messy and clothing labels bother her. She avoids climbing on outdoor equipment and is unusually sensitive to unexpected sounds in her environment. It seems difficult for her to focus her attention when she is in a noisy or busy environment. Shopping malls are a nightmare".
"I have noticed my son of 5 avoids drawing and other creative activities such as cutting and pasting tasks. He has a small table at home, with all the tools available, but shows no spontaneous interest in using these. If he is encouraged to draw a picture he tends to scribble and seems awkward when holding and manipulating the pencil".
“My child has recently been diagnosed with Autism. It seems underlying sensory processing issues are currently impacting on his social skills. He may lash out if he is bumped accidentally and avoids crowds and noisy places He finds it difficult to wear certain clothing, hates wearing shoes and struggles when he needs to change clothing when seasons transition from one to another. He is also a very picky eater which make things difficult to manage on a daily basis”.
"My son is easily dysregulated. He goes from 0 to a 100 in a short space of time and finds it difficult to calm himself down again. Often the reasons for these changes in his behavior are not clearly understood. It seems when he is anxious his behaviors are worse and he often gets into trouble at home and at school. He struggles to make friends and has low self confidence, is always ‘on the move’ and finds it difficult to focus and learn at school".
"I have a daughter who has hemiplegia and she is finding bilateral tasks such as playing a guitar or typing on the computer with two hands as well as sporting activities such as basketball, difficult tasks to perform. Consequently, she avoids activities and this is having an impact on her participation in school related activities".